What students are most anxious about?

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When a group of incoming first, second, and third graders were asked what they felt most anxious about starting a new school year this Fall, the top response was the pressure of completing their homework. The number was 53% to be exact. Homework assignments and work overload seemed to be heaviest on their mind causing stress.

Students are not the only ones who feel this pressure. In a survey given by CNN reporters just before the 2015-2016 school year began, over 400 parents agreed that their children’s homework responsibilities throughout the week create a stressful and chaotic feeling within their household. It is also true that teachers are doing their part in the classroom to help students comprehend the material so when they take it home they can complete it independently. However, teachers have to keep track of multiple students and may not always be able to work on a one-on-one level with their students. More than ever teachers are also pressured to meet state guidelines to prep their students for standardized testing. They are expected to produce sound results when student’s scores come back.

We understand many parents have multiple responsibilities on top of helping your child with their homework each night. Especially when you are trying to squeeze in multiple jobs, extra curricular events, and care for your children. Supreme Being Inc. can assist your child complete their homework and thoroughly understand the material they are learning. Our mentors show the children how to think critically and develop a problem solving work ethic. With the correct set of skills and planning it can reduce your child’s feeling of being overwhelmed. Our mentors are able to work with your child on a personal level giving your son or daughter the one-on-one tutoring that the teacher may not be able to provide.

Our staff wants your child to feel confident! We believe that with the right amount of focus and effort anything can be achieved. Our promise is for your son or daughter to leave our program ready to take on any challenges they may face in their day-to-day life. At supreme we also make sure all of our staff members possess the qualities of a role model and who care about the success of your child just as much as you do.

*If you feel your child may be struggling to understand or complete all their assignments, please read further to identify if they may be experiencing signs of anxiety. If you would like to get a better understanding on the survey done please view the video attached to the article.

Article: Kid’s Anxiety

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